Monday, January 26, 2015

Product Descriptions – Saying More With Less

Strong Words Podcast, Episode 1.

This show is produced by Big Ink Writing Services. Online content experts that can provide rich, creative copy that gets results. From website content to product descriptions for online retailers, Big Ink Writing Services can give your online presence the voice that speaks to your audience.

Hi, and welcome to the Strong Words Podcast, the show about copy writing and content for an online world. My name is Laurie and I’m your host. 

Today’s topic: Product Descriptions – Saying More With Less

You see them everyday, every time you shop online, the product description. You might take them for granted, until you try to write one, or you read a great one.

A good description does 4 things:
·         Provide quality information about the product
·         Provide the product with SEO keywords
·         Help the shopper identify with the seller
·         And inspire the shopper to click buy

It doesn’t matter if you’re a big online retailer or selling on etsy, good descriptions sell more products. Poor product descriptions leave the buyer questioning the legitimacy of the seller. This makes it all too easy for the potential customer to click on through to another site.

With today’s internet attention spans, you have but seconds to make a good impression. This is something the big online retailers are keenly aware of and they have it down to a science.

Here are just a few tips we use when writing product descriptions for our online retail customers:

1.    Clean, succinct copy clears a path to sales. Clean copy means text that isn’t weighed down by fluff and filler words. Get to the point quickly. Do this by making sure every word has a useful purpose. Short sentences are key. Check out the transcript of this show on our blog site for an example of a succinct description vs one that is all fluff and no stuff.

2.    Find features that matter. What are the important facts about your product? What benefit does it offer the customer, and what makes this product better than others like it?

3.    Keywords make for optimized searches. If you wanted to buy your product, what would you search for? Sprinkle your copy with these words for a well-seasoned description that will help customers find it. 

4.    Find your voice. The first step to finding your voice is to imagine your perfect customer. Make them real in your mind and then speak to them with your copy.

5.    Attention to detail. Whether it’s a piece of html or simple punctuation, details are part of that first impression. Make sure your facts like dimensions are accurate and your spelling and grammar are precise.

So many more tips, so little time. Subscribe to the show on itunes, and check out our show page at to find us on social media. My name is Laurie.